EZO COAXIAL CABLE for Lift / Elevator

ezo coaxial cabel lift elevator cctv camera
Coaxial Cable for LIFT / ELEVATOR 200 meter.
*terhitung bulan April 2019, semua kabel EVC75M yg masuk, panjangnya 200 meter/roll nya.

COAXIAL CABLE for Lift / Elevator
Model Number EZO CABLE EVC75-M
Color: Black
1 roll 200 meter with Metre Mark
Application  For CCTV Signal long range transmission with steel messenger.
CCTV Cable for Lift or Elevator Application.
Weight 23 kg

Seasons City Lt.GF2 Blok.A12 No.5
Pusat Bisnis Latumenten Grogol - Jakarta Barat 11320
Telp. 081514236699 - 081283225599
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website : www.tronikaonline.com

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