Panduan cara setting DVR ke internet Cloud Eazy Networking

avtech cloud eazy networking

Easily complete the network configuration with Cloud EaZy Networking
Cloud EaZy Networking is developed for AVTECH products (DVR / DVR / IP cameras) to simplify network configurations by following steps below:
1. Connect RJ45 cable to a router hooking up with Internet
2. Download the AVTECH mobile app, EagleEyes, and install
3. Register an account for EagleEyes Cloud Services on EagleEyes
4. Scan the barcode (on the monitoring display or on the device itself depending on the device you have)
Note: You could manually key in the MAC address of the device in case barcode scan fails.

cara avtech cloud eazy networking

Koneksikan DVR menggunakan kabel Lan ke router/modem yg terhubung internet
Masuk ke menu DVR - Quick Start, Eazy Networking di ON/Enable
Masuk juga ke menu Network, dan catatlah mac address DVR
Download dan install eagleeyes dari googleplay/appstore pada gadget/hp
Buatlah account atau register cloud service
Klik tanda + lalu pilih Eazy dan pilih juga Device yg sesuai (IP Camera / DVR)
Scan barcode atau masukan mac address DVR diatas tadi secara manual, 000Exxxxxx
Isi capthca lalu klik Aplly
(jika tidak connect, koneksikan gadget pada jaringan yg sama (wifi), dan lalukan automatic scan agar ditemukan ip dan mac address secara otomatis, namun jika sudah terdetect tetap harus memasukan mac address secara manual)
Selamat, gadget/hp anda sudah dapat mengakses DVR via Cloud Eazy Networking.

The owner can directly share the device information and access right to anyone he/she wants to share with.
Untuk 2 gadget/hp atau lebih, gunakan fitur Eazy Networking - Buddy Sharing.
Klik Option - Config - Buddy (Buddy Share and Setting) - Your Own Device pilih Share - lalu klik Share With Buddy
Beri tanda Centang pada Device yg ingin di Share - lalu klik Next
Masukan Buddy's Account (jika belum ada, register dahulu pada gadget/hp yg mau di Share, gunakan email yg berbeda) - lalu klik Add - Next - Next - Share !

avtech cloud eazy networking buddy sharing

Dengan cara ini, DVR yg sama dapat juga di akses juga dengan gadget/hp berbeda setelah diberikan hak akses / Buddy Share dari owner.