BOSCH Projected Beam Smoke Detector

bosch alarm jakarta indonesia projected beam d297

BOSCH Projected Beam Smoke Detector D297 12V

BOSCH D297 Projected Beam Smoke Detector is used in clear open structures such as arenas, atriums, auditoriums, ballrooms, churches, factories, museums, and warehouses. Each D297 detector consists of a transmitter, a receiver, and a remote annunciation plate.
Because the transmitter and receiver typically mount on the ceiling or high on walls or columns, they provide an effective and unobtrusive means of supervising public areas for fire protection.
The D306 Remote Indicator Plate, included with the D297, provides a convenient means of verifying detector status. Install it anywhere within 500 ft (152 m) of the beam receiver (when using 18 AWG [1.2 mm] wire). The D306 has three LEDs to indicate normal, trouble, and alarm conditions, and test points to monitor the detector circuit.

Alarm Operation
The transmitter emits a pulsed infrared beam. The receiver measures the intensity of the beam over a period of time and compares this data with an alarm threshold. Select one of six levels of sensitivity for the alarm threshold through a switch on the receiver. If the receiver senses a signal strength below the preset alarm threshold in excess of the alarm period it signals an alarm.
Signal Loss Compensation
The receiver automatically compensates for the gradual loss of signal due to dust and dirt build-up on the cover. The receiver measures the intensity of the pulsed infrared beam emitted by the transmitter over a period of time and compares this data with a preset trouble threshold. When 50% of the signal is lost, the receiver sends a trouble signal to the control panel. When the dust and dirt build-up is cleaned or the blockage is removed, the detector automatically resets.
Tamper Detection
If the covers to the transmitter or receiver are removed, the detector sends a trouble signal to the control panel.
Trouble Detection
The receiver measures the intensity of the pulsed infrared beam emitted by the transmitter over a period of time and compares this data with a preset trouble threshold. When 90% or more of the signal is lost for more than 20 seconds, as might happen if an object blocked the beam, the receiver sends a trouble signal to the control panel.

Telp: 081514236699 - 081283225599

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